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The most common misconception with starting CrossFit is that you need to be fit in order to do so.  There are so many people I have heard say that they are going to first get stronger, lose weight, or get in shape in order to start CrossFit.  

That’s ridiculous!  

You don’t need to physically prepare to start CrossFit.  If you were sick, you would not say that you’re going to first get healthy and then go see your doctor.  CrossFit is a fitness program that is scaleable to every ability level and is designed to get you stronger, help you lose weight and get you in shape, so why would you put off starting?

In most cases, be prepared for a 1 hour class that includes a warm-up, some skill development or practice, the workout of the day (WOD), and a cool-down.  While the most experienced athletes will definitely be challenged during the class, each portion of the hour is adjustable so that each person is working within their own personal tolerances of intensity.  This is why working under a coach’s guidance is so important.  They are there to teach you, watch you closely and make any necessary adjustments in form or in the prescribed training.

So while you don’t need to prepare yourself in order to start CrossFit, it can be intimidating to go to your first class.  These are some tips to help you feel more ready for CrossFit.

—Comfortable clothes and shoes - wear something that you can move in.  Movements in CrossFit are full body and utilize multiple joints, so make sure that what you’re wearing is comfortable and not restrictive. 

—Water - may be obvious to some, but bring a water bottle with you.  You will have breaks throughout the class to get a drink and you’ll be glad to have it.

—Braces or supports - if you currently use any knee braces or other supports be sure to bring them along and show your coach at the start of class.  Disclosing any injuries to your coach prior to starting is critical in protecting your from further injury.  CrossFit is a great way for many individuals to regain functionality when it’s lost due to injury or inactivity.  However in order to do so you must keep an open dialog with your coach about how your body feels before, during and after training.

—Positive Attitude - this one is by far the corniest, but most important without a doubt.  In CrossFit you will be challenged every day.  There is a huge learning curve with almost everything we do from the warm-up to the workout.  If you can take your ego out of the equation and manage your expectations then you will be able to enjoy the journey much more.  It is when we come in expecting to learn, understand, and then be able to apply what we’ve learned immediately that we set ourselves up for failure.  Expect that you will struggle with some (or many) new skills, have patience with yourself, and trust your coach.  You will get there.  


Bringing Fitness to the Streets

One of my favorite things about coaching has always been the versatility of location and equipment.  What I mean by that is, you don’t need to be in a set gym or location or have specific equipment to get the job done.  Whether you have only yourself, or a small hotel gym at your disposal there is always a wide array of training options that many people just aren’t aware of.

A fun challenge of mine has always been to find a way to make fitness accessible to anyone in any place or at any time.  I enjoy training some of the local high school teams in their school weight rooms where there is often limited space and/or equipment given the group size and ability level.  This gives me the opportunity to employ creative solutions in order to get everybody moving well and working hard.  I also program at-home workouts for people with minimal equipment, including my own parents who have only two sets of dumbbells, an exercise bike, and a hip circle band.  With only their compact 4’x6’ workout space they’ve dedicated in the garage I get to come up with unique ways to keep them active.

So it seems only fitting that I start up an outdoor fitness class in my own neighborhood!  I’m looking to get out and help my community, so I plan to start in our local Pleasanton parks.  My hope is that those looking to start a fitness program or even those who are currently training but feel bored and want to mix things up will join me in the park for a daily workout.  No walls, no frills, but all the benefits of the CrossFit program that is constantly varied, functional movement executed at high intensity.

If CrossFit has always sounded intimidating or too intense for you, this is your chance to try it out and see results will speak for themselves.  By learning to move better you will improve not only your fitness and body composition, but also your self confidence and overall approach to life.  You will see challenges as an opportunity to succeed.  You will learn about goal-setting and then working to achieve those goals with the support of your coach (me!) and your community of classmates.

Are you ready to make a change for yourself?

MegaWatt CrossFit welcomes you to join us!

****First classes START Monday May 22nd****